Monday, May 24, 2010

Visit to National Botanical Gardens & Aberglasney


Saturday,  May 22, 2010

Feeling more rested this morning. It is another sunny and very warm day.  Too bad I did not pack any shorts.  Today we visited the National Botanical Gardens of Wales. This year is their 10th Anniversary.  Very impressive.  They have lovely Japanese Gardens and the largest Glass house in the world.  I have included a few photos for you to view. 

After the visit to the Botanical Gardens we travelled to Aberglassney.  We were to have lunch  there for about an hour and then tour the gardens.  Lunch took over 3 hours long. Very nice day with lots of tourists and they just could not handle a group. Our tour guide kept coming to check on us.  We were to leave at 3:30 pm and that is when  our tour started.  What a lovely place.  It is restored garden that had been neglected. They even have orange trees. Part of the house collapsed so they covered it and converted it to an inside tropical garden,


  1. Fantastic photos, Susan!!
    So exiting ... I had no idea you were headed on a wonderful vacation!!
    Have a great time!!

  2. Thanks Holly

    My first comment. Glad to see that it worked. Thanks to your class I know how tod do a blog.
