Monday, May 24, 2010

Travel Day

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Departed Canada for London England at 8:40 pm. Good flight but what does not able to sleep on the plane. Funny how at home I can sleep easily on the couch and miss the entire 11 o'clock news.  We arrive in London at 8:30 a.m London on Friday,  May 21st.  It is a beautiful sunny & warm day. This is the first warm weather they have had all spring. All the plants are several weeks behind their normal schedule.

We get on the tour bus to travel to Wales.  Take the M4 expressway and go over the Cause Way Bridge to get to Wales.  Lunch at "The King of Prussia" restaurant.  Served a very English meal of Pork & Applesauce with Apple pie covered in custard for dessert.  I certainly could has pasted on the custard which smothered the pie.

After lunch we went to a private garden of Mrs. Boyle.  This garden is recommended by the Royal botanical gardens as  one to have on your to see list.  It was amazing.  Everything grows so much larger here.  Leave the garden at 4 pm for a three hour bus ride to Swansea which ison the south coast of Wales. We think we might go out to explore the city but after being awake for30 hours that did not happen. We feel asleep and woke up at 10:30 pm. We then watched some local T.V. until around 1 a.m and then went back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin & Susan:
    It's so beautiful in the U.K. I was in Wales during my cycling trip many years ago and was amazed by the gardens and castles. Have fun and be careful of the stout.
